I declare I am in good health and I am not aware of any health condition I have which may prevent me from becoming a member of the Ambulance Provident Fund Limited (APF / the Fund). I also declare I have not had any medical, hospitalisation, accident or life insurance application rejected or cancelled, or restricted, or subject to special terms, or renewal declined due to any medical condition.
I understand I am eligible to be a Member as I am currently employed by the NSW Ambulance Service, or I am eligible to be an Associate Member due to meeting the requirements of an Associate membership in the Fund's Rules.
I understand and agree my application will be effective only if it is accepted by the Board of the APF and the applicable joining fee has been paid. I also understand I must keep my applicable membership fees financial by Board approved options to maintain current membership.
I agree this Member Health Declaration signed by me shall be the basis of the contract between the proposed member as named above and the APF and I agree to accept the terms and conditions as set by the Board and its members from time to time.
I understand the personal information provided within this form is protected by the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (NSW) and access to the information provided in this form is only available to myself and those persons authorised to access this information in the course of their duties with the Fund.
I hereby declare that the foregoing statements and particulars are true and complete and I have not withheld any information that may influence the acceptance of my application.
I declare the above to be true